Oorkonde voor HOE

22 december 2016 - Thema: , | Herbert van Daalen

Begin december ontving Hulp Oost-Europa van Pro Partium in Roemenië een oorkonde voor 40 jaar trouwe hulp. Namens HOE nam vrijwilliger Wout van de Water deze oorkonde in ontvangst. Naast HOE kregen ook verschillende gemeenten en organisaties een oorkonde voor hulpverlening aan mensen, maar ook voor culturele en maatschappelijke verdiensten.

Hierbij de tekst die uitgesproken werd door Yinczéné Pálfi Judit:

LAUDATION for the Hulp Oost Europa Foundation ofthe Netherlands

“Carry each other’s burdens, and in this way you wil! fulfil the law ofChrist.” (Galatians 6:2)

In current times, when both individuals and the Church face deep identity dilemmas, and life commands a Bible based perspective and a change in mentality, it gives us strength that there are people we can count on.

The Hulp Oost Europa Foundation of the Netherlands generously supports mission and diaconia throughout our church district with love and goodwill. They have started this activity many years ago. They have supported many congregations by shaking up “sleeping souls,” by providing new perspectives and hope by coming around to help- in various forms.

There are congregations where they helped renovating church buildings or building up new congregation halls. At the same time, they have put an emphasis on the spiritual growth and awakening ofthe given congregations and church members – in the proper sense of international ministry. Their support for our Emmaus Course Project is a good example for this: our district published the course in 2013, and it is slowly but certainly becoming a manual for pastors, elders and members.

The Hulp Oost Europa Foundation has helped the further training of ten pastors who serve in hospitals, and of other three chaplains who serve in prisons; the foundation also supported the publications they are visiting hospitals and jails with. They promote church-to-church partnersbips between Dutch and Hungarian-Romanian congregations.

We are glad to experience that the Hulp Oost Europa Foundation “keeps an eye on us” and assures a precious and impmtant place for our district and our ethnic and religious minority members to share intheir vision and mission, may it be about spiritual or literal construction.

They do not brag, they come, they listen and they act. This proves that they take the Word in serious: “Carry each other’ s burdens, and in this way you will fulfil the law of Christ.” God bless and guide them on the way which is good to follow!

Nagyvárad/Oradea, 9 December 2016

Yinczéné Pálfi Judit,
Councillor on Mission

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