Partners in Oekraïne ontvangen bemoediging

24 februari 2022 - Thema: | Herbert van Daalen

Stichting HOE heeft een bericht gestuurd naar onze partners in Oost-Europa:

“Dear Friends, this morning we were awakened by the bad news that Russia has started a war against Ukraine and has started several attacks on the territory of your country. We are very sad that what was threatening for a longer time, has become true. We sympathize very deeply with the people of Ukraine and especially with you, because we recognize you as our brothers and sisters in Christ. We don’t know which threats the future will bring and what the future entirely will bring for Ukraine and its people.

As members of the family of Christ we surely know that our future is in the hands of the Lord and he shall protect us. The Lamb, who is King is much stronger than each dictator, even stronger than the dynasty of darkness.

We will not speculate on things that will happen in the coming period. But be assured that we follow the events very closely and that you are continuously in our thoughts and in our prayers. We hope the war activities themselves will not reach Transcarpathia and that you and the children you serve will be safe.

All the people of HOE, included the board, workers and all sponsors, are very concerned about you.

They and we wish you the protection of the Lord.”

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